If you’re lucky enough to have a job right now, you should do everything you can to hold on to it. If you’re in the ranks of the unemployed, you want to be the candidate who stands out in an increasingly large pool. And if you’re a boss at an organization struggling to stay afloat, you want to motivate your employees to hang tight, despite the bumps in the road.
There are endless ways to do it. You can fine-tune your résumé. Speak up at meetings with interesting, fresh ideas. Dress for the job you want rather than the job you have. But, as it turns out, one of the best ways to make your presence known is by being respectful and, quite simply, kind. You’ll get the same back in return.
That’s the theme of Deborah Norville’s new book, “The Power of Respect: Benefit from the Most Forgotten Element of Success.” Norville, who’s anchored “Inside Edition” for 14 years, clearly knows about success. Here are her tips, whether you’re in the job market, trying to get recognized at work, or trying to be an effective leader:
It’s important to respect others, but self-respect, particularly at a time when you might be feeling down, is the starting line. “You have to tap back into what makes you a rock star. What is your skill set? Write it down, get it on paper and then look at it when you need to remind yourself why you deserve success,” Norville said. It’s nearly impossible to sell yourself in an interview if you don’t believe you’re the best person for the job, and it’s very difficult to motivate employees around you if you’re feeling insecure about your own abilities.
When people are acknowledged for their efforts, they want to achieve more. I’m not talking about an employee of the month bulletin board, which often comes across as superficial recognition at best and patronizing at worst. If employee morale is down, one of the best ways to bring it up is to make a big deal when someone goes above and beyond the call of duty. And not in private, either − shine the spotlight.
“When people are genuinely recognized, the residual effect is that euphoria activates the same part of their brain in charge of strategic thinking, reasoning and logic. So when you as the authority make people within the organization feel good about working there, you’ve enhanced their ability to be better workers,” Norville said. Not only that, but because you’ve recognized them in a public way, other employees strive for their turn in the spotlight.
This goes above and beyond sending a handwritten thank you card after each interview, although that’s a good place to start. Before any job interview, take the time to learn about the person you’ll be speaking to.
“People forget the little things like complimenting someone, or making sure you’re saying something positive about the company, and not just about how you need a job,” said Linda Kaplan Thaler, CEO of the Kaplan Thaler Group and co-author of “The Power of Nice: How to Conquer the Business World with Kindness.” Start with a compliment − something you’ve been impressed by while reading about the organization − and then move into your hard sell, telling them why you’d be a benefit to the admirable outfit they’ve built. You may not get that job, but every connection counts. If you leave a positive imprint on the interviewer, she may recommend you to someone else in her network.
One of the best ways to garner respect at work is to go above and beyond your job description. Not just for the recognition − although that’s a nice byproduct − but because you’ll inspire your higher ups to believe in you and your abilities.
“If you are intimately aware of the processes involved in your work, and most of us are, try to recognize an inefficiency and a way to correct it,” Norville said. Sure, the bigger picture might be someone else’s job, but if you have an idea worth mentioning, speak up − particularly if it will help the bottom line. A good manager will respect you for contributing and even come to you for ideas in the future. Establishing that pattern is key to climbing up the ladder.
Let’s face it − as a boss, you are recognized all the time. Why not pass on some credit to the people who support you? It will give them a little boost, and that increased productivity will reflect positively on you.
With Arielle McGowen
Your Money columnist Jean Chatzky is financial editor of NBC’s “Today” show, a contributing editor at More magazine and a contributor to “The Oprah Winfrey Show.” She’s the author of six books, including, “The Difference: How Anyone Can Prosper in Even the Toughest Times.” Check out her blog at jeanchatzky.com.
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