Sunday, August 10, 2008

Winning with a Balanced Goals Program

"It's true that you were born to win. Unfortunately, many have been conditioned to lose," says Zig Ziglar. In his own unique way, Zig shares with you why you must have a goals program. Christian Motivation Vol 2 encompasses the financial, physical, mental and spiritual aspects of life, helping you to establish God-directed goals for your personal, family and career life. In these 12 exciting lessons, you'll learn how to win big here and how to be an even bigger winner in the hereafter. It's practical, biblically-based, psychologically sound and physiologically accurate. Here's a program that will help you get more of the things money will buy and all of the things money won't buy. Zig is persuasive when he shares with the listener Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. The messages are positive, encouraging, exciting and include specific directions on how to achieve total, balanced success in your life. Volume II includes: Why Do You Play the Game?, The Power of Words, The Most Important Goals, Our Most Important Weekly Goal, You Can Be a Great One, You Gotta Have a Goals Program, Why Don't You Have a Goals Program?, Exactly How To Set Your Goals, Reaching Your Goals, Living Well and Finishing Well, Reaching Significant Goals and Christ is the Foundation.

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