Thursday, July 17, 2008

Love Your Job for 30 Days

For the next 30 days,go all out on your current job. Whatever you have chosen as you life's work, remember your job couldn't care less about you one way of the other — only you can take the initiative to give your job what it has deserved all along. Dedicate yourself just for one month, not for a lifetime, to giving your maximum effort to your job, your company, your routine and your service to others. At the end of that time, I think you'll find yourself renewing your dedication for another month.

~Dr. Dennis Waitley, The Psychology of Winning

Too many of us go each day to jobs we are bored with or hate. Our jobs drain our energy and give us little reward for our efforts. We're underemployed, overworked, and understimulated. It's obvious that it's time for a change.

But leaving isn't always a good option. We stay in positions that aren't ideal for a million reasons. Some of us stay because of unusually high income, some for much-needed health insurance, and some because the economy has limited our ability to move. Others stay because their current jobs fit neatly into the rest of their lives. You know what? All those reasons are good ones.

If you're going to stay, you might as well make the best of it. What would happen if for one month you practiced loving your job? What if you became Super Employee, going above and beyond the call of duty each day for 30 days? And most important of all, what if you did this with a smile?

I'm serious. Pretend for 30 days that you love your job. Pretend that it is the end all and be all of careers for you. Pretend that there is no stress and that every act, every moment, is profoundly fulfilling. What would happen?

What would happen if at the end of your 30 days you tried it with another part of your life? What if you were the best, happiest, most loving husband? or father? or friend?

And if it works, what might that be worth to you?

Make a great day (or month).

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