Saturday, July 26, 2008

What Do You Sell?

"Selling is not something you do to a customer it is something you do with a customer." – Zig Ziglar

Being a part of Ziglar gives us the opportunity to represent an incredible brand. Many of you are blessed to represent an amazing brand, too. Because of Zig's reputation and our well known brand, people often think that our sales team must have it easy when selling our products and services, or engaging new prospects. Let's face it, most people know who Zig Ziglar is; however, once we get past the pleasantries and the prospect shares their own Zig memories and stories, then the real selling begins. This is the point where the prospect asks that all important question, "So, what are you selling?"

So let me ask you, "What are you selling?"

You may be thinking to yourself, "Well I don't sell anything; I am not in sales." Let me remind you that everybody sells! If you have children, they have sold you on why they need to have a sleepover or why they need the latest Play Station or XBox games. Ladies, if you are married or have a boyfriend they have sold you on why they need to play golf this weekend or why they need that new fishing boat. And men, if you are married or have a girlfriend they have sold you, at one time or another, on why you need new furniture, a vacation, or tickets to the ballet. You see, we all sell somebody something at one time or another.

So again, let me ask you, "What are you selling?"

If you focus only on what is in it for you, you have already lost. If you focus on the features and functions of what you are selling, you have still lost. Only when you focus on the needs of the person to whom you are selling and the benefits that they will receive from the purchase will you have a chance of winning. Becoming needs and benefits focused will help you in all forms of selling as well as communicating. When people realize that you actually care about them, you will strengthen your relationships– and that is the third leg of the stool. Needs, benefits, and relationships are key, regardless of what you sell.

It has been said that people don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care. This is true of any personal or professional situation you can imagine yourself in. Adopt this as an attitude and a philosophy, and not a tactic, and you will probably never have to answer the question of, "What do you sell?" again.

"You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want." - Zig Ziglar

So it doesn't matter if sales is your profession or not, we all sell. It doesn't matter if you are a mom, dad, husband, wife, employer, employee, or friend– place the focus on the other person and watch how all areas of your life improve and grow!

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