Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Power of Focus

How to Hit Your Business, Personal and Financial Targets with Absolute Certainty

Do you know the #1 reason that stops people from getting what they want? IT'S LACK OF FOCUS! People who focus on what they want prosper. Those who don't, struggle. This treasury of practical wisdom includes easy-to-implement Action Steps that will significantly free up time, dramatically improve your income and solidly enrich those important relationships. That's the promise Jack makes in his bestselling book, The Power of Focus: How to Hit Your Business, Personal and Financial Targets with Absolute Certainty.

Jack's spent 30 years studying the peak performers and highest 3% of achievers in all areas of life - from sales superstars, to key managers, to the world's most successful entrepreneurs, world-class athletes, top entertainers, successful politicians, most highly respected doctors, most competent educators and the super rich. Jack has discovered there are certain "disciplines of success" that high achievers practice in a systematic way - and focus on for consistent, breakthrough results and optimum success! Your audience will learn these principles and discover how to incorporate them into their day-to-day routine for a more fulfilling and satisfying workday and a more dynamic personal life!

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